
An Organization of Writers with Disabilities

Special Announcement – It’s Our Tenth Anniversary Audio Celebration

Download our tenth anniversary audio celebration and hear us read our own work. Can you pet the wild things in Australia? What is a dream circle? The Mississippi River flood couldn’t compare with the other adult reality facing a Minnesota teen. How did one man’s dream set the course for ten years of successful growth by a fledgling writers’ group?

Listen to our leaders and mentors help us make things happen.

To download, right click on the link below this paragraph, or use your context menu, and select “Save Target as…” “Save Link as…” or a similarly-named option. You will then have a zipped folder on your computer or electronic device in the place where you’ve downloaded it.

Unzip the folder and place the extracted folders ofMP3 files on your audio player of choice. Contact us if you have trouble unpacking zipped folders.

Download Our Tenth Anniversary Audio Celebration Here!


***** Or *****

For just $7.00, get our celebration in a two-CD package. You may use the PayPal button below to place your order. If PayPal isn’t an option, use the “Contact Us” form on this website to make other arrangements. Or call +1 773-572-7744 and leave a message.



Feed the Kitty


A short-haired white kitty with a raccoon-style black mask.


Kitty keeps nosing her way into pockets, frolicking between furniture and feeder dish. She heads up the Behind Our Eyes fundraising, and she has a message for our members, readers, and friends.

A few treats from you will give us the foundation we need to continue growing. Our anthologies, online magazine, and conferences with writers and teachers have established a strong voice for writers with disabilities in the literary community. We have confidence, and a ten-year record of success.

Your support will expand our options for networking and showcasing our writing. Use the PayPal button below to keep Kitty happy. Kitty thanks you with a grateful meow on behalf of all of us.